Painting 2020

Aktuelle Arbeiten der Klasse Prof. Eisler
Malerei & Animationsfilm

Erin Sankey, The Maximalist


With the abrupt closing of the University on March 13, students suddenly had to make work with limited space and materials. Although this shutdown effectively paused their studio practice, many students started exploring subjects and methods that were not typically part of their work. This digital presentation captures the dedication and possibility with which students have been able to embrace change and the unknown. Prof. Judith Eisler, Institut für Bildende und Mediale Kunst

Erin Sankey, Amikirakirayet

Erin Sankey, My Sidechick Has A 6S With The Screen Cracked Still Hit Me Back Right Away Self Portrait

Erin Sankey, Eastermorning

Erin Sankey, Proscuittocrudo

Erin Sankey, Dialogue

Anna Klasz, Seats

Anna Klasz, Stones

Anna Korinna, o.T.

Baurjan Aralov, Blurry Dream

Baurjan Aralov, Nostalgia

Valentino Skarwan, Through The Grapevine

Valentino Skarwan, Deadland 1

Valentino Skarwan, Deadland 2

Valentino Skarwan, Dark Desires And Secret Wishes

Ahmed Thaer, Spektrumstraum

Ahmed Thaer, Erde von außen

Ahmad Thaer, Die Grünen

Carina Luksik, Afonya utca

Carina Luksik, Moha utca

Carina Luksik, Napsugár utca

Cristian Anutoiu, o. T.

Cristian Anutoiu, Kopfschmerzen und Verwirrung

Cristian Anutoiu, Galaxie in der ich wohnen will

Cristian Anutoiu, Vernetzt aber doch nicht

Emma Kling, The Yellow Curtain

Emma Kling, Gelbes Hemd

Emma Kling, Mantel II

Emma Kling, Rosa Hemd

Felina Beckenbauer, Bath A

Felina Beckenbauer, Bath C

Florin Stanzer, Rhythmus 31

Florin Stanzer, Rhythmus 39

Manuel Horak, Tipp No.1 Stay Protected

Manuel Horak, Please Do Not Open The Emergency Exit I

Manuel Horak, Bunny III

Manuel Horak, Bunny II

Jana Forster, o. T.

Jana Forster, o. T.

Nayeun Park, Eine griechische Vase

Nayeun Park, Eine griechische Vase 2

Nayeun Park, o. T.

Nayeun Park, o. T.

Nayeun Park, Wann machen die auf

Semi Kwon, Shells

Semi Kwon, Your Hair

Semi Kwon, See You Soon

Semi Kwon, Personal Space

Semi Kwon, Chaotic

Vivian Tseng, Image 3

Vivian Tseng, Can You Feel Me

Vivian Tseng, Can You See Me

Rosa Michor, Fighter

Rosa Michor, Vorbild

Rosa Michor, Bodies

Rosa Michor, Female Fighter

Rosa Michor, You And Me

Rosa Michor, Secret Sign

Lisa Becker, Dort in den Anderswelten

Lorenz Kunath, Weirding 1 Haifa

Lorenz Kunath, FFF2

Lorenz Kunath, A Small Weirding

Lorenz Kunath, Weirding 5

Silvia Knoedlstorfer, Schwarzmalen II

Silvia Knoedlstorfer, Schwarzmalen

Silvia Knoedlstorfer, Spidermask

Sophie Vitovec, Butterfliege

Caro Laa, Existential Crisis

Marie Therese Kalita, Ferdinand

Lukas Dworschak, All Your Pretty Faces