A panel on Game Art/ Artistic Research Project * Neuromatic Game Art*
Do.. 25.6.2020 20.30 bis 21.00 Uhr
Margarete Jahrmann (Art, Game and Artistic Research/ Neuroflow Games), Brigitte Felderer (Social Design and City Games), Sonja Böckler (Game Design and Art, Zurich), Thomas Wagensommerer (Neuroflow Games and Sound), Simon Broggi/ Stefan Schmidlin (Insert Coin Zurich).
Zentrum Fokus Forschung

The genres of game art, game design, art and games are gaining in importance in the context of artistic research because they allow empirical methods and direct experience. Ludic experiments in the form of neurogames and the transformative potential of games serve as a theoretical framework for a discourse on publicly conducted artistic experiments, resistance to social conditions and the handling of personal data.

The focus of this panel is on current critical games in a new form of expanded game art. Biometric aspects and neuro-interfaces, which are used in performative installations, allow the design of ludic experiences consisting of elements of behavioral research and a critical questioning of the technological and social interfaces used in game art and research.

Our research goal is to create a new form of experimental game art – the neuromatic one – in order to raise new knowledge about cognitive conditions, ethical questions about biometric possibilities and limits of technologies, and ultimately to transform increasingly present demands for self-optimization into self-expression.


A discourse on Game Art and Experiments.

Neuroflow, Jahrmann/Wagensommerer, Computerspielemuseum Berlin 2017

Decision Demon Installation, Jahrmann/ Glasauer, 2019 Vienna.