What’s easier to train, a cat or a human?

Rosie Benn (Master Thesis)
Betreuer: Univ.-Prof. Virgil Widrich
Art & Science

The performance lecture was an experiment in the re-telling of Rosie’s current research which enquires into some of the paradoxical aspects of raising cats. In which observations of a backyard garden ecosystem and imagery on cat food packaging are used to explore; cultural and legal constructions within formats of so-called pet and animal contextualizations, as well as a catalyst for negotiating qualities of symbiosis within wider zones and human interrelations. Props were used as cues to trigger the live analysis of everyday artefacts, elements of strain and contradiction were embraced rather than hidden, when delving into this personal interpretation of the current ecological and social crisis.


`If this is an awful mess…then would something less messy make a mess of

describing it?´John Law. After Method, mess in social science research. (2004)


Parallel to the development of the lecture performance, the research was also manifested into a written component. Primary and secondary research, ranging from material such as scientific journals, sketches, sound recording and interviews manifested themselves in a story of critical reflection and fantasy. Excerpts of the story as well as a bibliography for the project can be found via the following lin

To read the full version of this work or to put forward a comment or question: feedback or interest is welcome at rosie_benn@yahoo.com

The performance lecture was presented within an artistic research meeting via zoom under the title ‚Working-progress, Abschluss in limbo‘ in collaboration with Golnaz Bashiri.


A dear thank you to all those involved,

namely Sen.Lect. Dr. Bernd Kräftner, Univ.-Ass.Mag.phil.Valerie Deifel and Univ.-Ass. Brishty Khatun Alam B.A. Supervised by Univ.-Prof. Virgil Widrich