read/write: mixed reality urbanism

Shaun McCallum (Master Thesis)
Betreuer: Univ.-Prof. Greg Lynn
Architekturentwurf 2

read/write: mixed reality urbanism explores how architecture must begin to consider its role in digital space. taking the Barbican Estate in London as a case study the city is approached as a greenscreen ready to host new content spatially whilst learning from key visual urbanists, Schinkel and Lynch, their spatial sequences and five elements act as the generator for considering a mixed reality urbanism

read/write: mixed reality urbanism

read/write – thesis exploring the role architecture may take in a mixed reality, exploring how urban cues may be reconfigured and re-organised into a novel way to navigate and explore the city. –

Shaun McCallum Studio Lynn, Vienna 2019/2020.

read/write: mixed reality urbanism

read/write – thesis exploring the role architecture may take in a mixed reality, exploring how urban cues may be reconfigured and re-organised into a novel way to navigate and explore the city. –

Shaun McCallum Studio Lynn, Vienna 2019/2020.

read/write: mixed reality urbanism

read/write – thesis exploring the role architecture may take in a mixed reality, exploring how urban cues may be reconfigured and re-organised into a novel way to navigate and explore the city. –

Shaun McCallum Studio Lynn, Vienna 2019/2020.


Shakespeare Tower

Barbican Centre Model + read/write: mixed reality urbanism book

Axonometric View – AR in Action

Augmented Reality Application


Augmented Reality Application

Augmented Reality Application