Food security in 2050 will be influenced by the effects of climate change on an increasing global population and will sooner or later change our eating habits to provide enough food for everyone.
Experts recommend a diet that is both beneficial for our own health and for the planet. Its focus is on soft food like cereals, legumes and vegetables. Animal products and sugar are to be greatly reduced.
A changed diet creates the necessity for new eating tools. Due to the small size and softness of the food in 2050, the „spoon“, as the „original eating tool“, plays the main role. It is supported by a sort of cutting tool that allows the dividing of larger bites and chopsticks to pick up individual or elusive food.
The cutlery acts as a symbol for fair distribution of food and the responsibility that each individual state assumes for its citizen. Therefore, at birth every person receives its individual cutlery set from its nation. It guarantees everyone’s right to food and an adequate supply of it.
The eating tools accompany its user throughout the entire life. As the only cutlery still in use, it is always carried on the body and used whenever necessary. After the owner’s death the set will be reprocessed and given to a newborn for a new life cycle.
The eating utensils for 2050 symbolize the value of food and life. They serve as instruments for the taken responsibility that we all have for each other.
Credits: Werkstätte Digitale Fotografie
Credits: Werkstätte Digitale Fotografie
Credits: Werkstätte Digitale Fotografie
Credits: Werkstätte Digitale Fotografie
Credits: Werkstätte Digitale Fotografie
Credits: Werkstätte Digitale Fotografie
Credits: Werkstätte Digitale Fotografie