Pre-announcements that function according to the WYSIWYG principle implement specific expectations of the materialised end result. “What you see is what you get!” in its literalness advertises a present, open encounter with the artistic works of TransArts students. With contributions by Oliver Alunovic, Luna-Mae Heflin, Jakob Kirchweger, Roberta Lazo, Mathias Leberbauer, Lara Reichmann, noxiousoeuvre – and other artists from TransArts
Exhibition and Open Studio by TransArts - Transdisciplinary Art
〔29.6.〕 – 〔2.7.〕 11:00-20:00
2. OG, B 15, Raum 201, Brücke + Atrium (EG)
at the university
Studierende und Absolvent*innen von TransArts