WIZARD championship ZOZI Edition 2021

〔30.6.〕  11:00-20:00
Applied Photography and Time-Based Media
Anahita Asadifar, Larissa Falk, Julian Lee Harather, Johannes Hartmann, Lea Sophia Mair, Maria Rudakova, Alessandro Santi, Blanka Wittmann – Students of the Departments of Applied Photography & Fashion

Registration and Reservation at angewandtefestival.at/anmeldung

WIZARD championship ZOZI Edition 2021

is a full day wizard card game tournament, played with cards that were produced in cooperation by students of fashion and photography. Come play with us: Anahita Asadifar, Julian Lee Harather, Lea Sophie Mair (Applied Photography), Larissa Falk, Alessandro Santi, Blanka Wittmann, Johannes Hartmann (Fashion) und dem Grafikdesign von Maria Rudakova (Klasse Kartak)

The tournament takes place as part of the festival programme by Applied Photography & Fashion.