Visuelle Dialoge

Intermedial experience spaces for 9 digital meeages in a bottle by students of HAW Hamburg

〔29.6.〕 – 〔2.7.〕  11:00-20:00
Schwanzer-Trakt, 5. OG, 514, 520 und andere
at the university
Stage and Film Design
Students of the Department of Stage and Film Design and HAW Hamburg with Alexander Fahima

How can digital performances receive their own stage in analogue space? Team Vienna meets Team Hamburg anonymously online. Couples find each other without knowing. Hamburg sends thoughts to Vienna, Vienna sends thoughts to Hamburg. An open channel, pure telepathy, for half a year without knowing. The trains of thought intertwine and take on shape: Hamburg will send messages in bottles in the form of digital performances, Vienna has designed listening and viewing machines to capture them.