Art and dementia, almost losing your bearings

On the road with the Center for Didactics of Art and Interdisciplinary Education

〔30.6.〕  15:00-17:00
Center for Didactics of Art
Ruth Mateus-Berr, Rotraut Krall, L. Vanessa Gruber, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien – DEMEDARTS and Center for Didactics of Art and Interdisciplinary Education

Registration and Reservation at

Have you ever gotten lost or become disoriented? For people with dementia, going for a walk can easily pose a big challenge. During a themed tour, with input from the book “Arts and Dementia” we want to explore the topic and thereby build empathy. The destination invites us to an exciting guided tour at the Museum of Art History, which introduces us to the museum’s pioneering programs for people living with dementia.

With support of the Kunsthistorische Museum Vienna