Ja, was machen wir mit den Stimmen?

〔29.6.〕 – 〔2.7.〕  11:00-20:00
1. OG, Brücke + Vitrine im Foyer, Sound: online
at the university
Collection & Archive
Art Collection and Archive in collaboration with Marei Buhmann and Marie Yaël Fidesser

As part of an educational institution, the collection and archive of the University of Applied Arts Vienna is embedded in a persistent process of change. According to the nature of the institutional gaze, it itself becomes the filter of a present and its constitution. We all leave traces that are filed or left behind. We want to examine them as voices, locate them and reflect upon a placeless space of their potential presence.

Sound via Soundcloud: fidesser-buhmann

Photo: Marie Yael Fidesser, Objektskizze zu Ja, was machen wir mit den Stimmen?, 2021

Marie Yael Fidesser, Korrespondenz 1921-191-14, 2021

Marei Buhmann, Protokoll und Dialog, 2021

Marei Buhmann, Antasten, 2021