inframince infra-mince infra mince

An exhibition of the TransArts department

〔29.6.〕 – 〔2.7.〕  11:00-20:00
in the city
Students of the Department of TransArts

Departing from the idea of reciprocal spatial and temporal pervasion, “inframince infra-mince infra mince“ explores what could distinguish transdisciplinary art today. The subjunctive is used here intentionally. Because this exhibition and publication project does not focus on terminological definitions and categorial boundaries, rather it is oriented upon a notion of artistic research, upon phenomena, practices, and procedures that enable us to traverse the multifaceted field of contemporary artistic production. The exhibition “inframince infra-mince infra mince“ traces the fleeting moments when different elements of artistic, theoretical, scientific, or everyday culture collide. Moments in which art, theory, science, and the everyday affix, interleave, merge—and transform. The ten-year artistic and teaching practice in the TransArts Department of the University of Applied Arts Vienna serves as the basis for the exhibition and publication. TransArts productively links artistic work and art theory, and conceives these sister fields not only as equal but also interconnected access points to knowledge in the artistic everyday. In this context, Marcel Duchamp’s “inframince”—the notion of the razor-thin, ultra-fine, and most undecidable in-between—becomes a metaphor for those indistinct moments when the omnipresent claim to transdisciplinarity actually seems to materialize. Artists Katarina Baumann, Oscar Cueto, Annika Eschmann, Agnes Fuchs, Lisa Großkopf, Kyungrim Lim Jang, Jakob Kirchweger, Marlene Lahmer, Sophia Latysheva, David Moises, Jürgen Münzer, Luīze Nežberte, Olaf Nicolai, Mara Novak, Lara Reichmann, Stephanie Rizaj, Selina Rottmann, Imogen Stidworthy, Céline Struger, Huda Takriti, Kai Trausenegger, Lukas Troberg, Timm Ulrichs, Thomas Wagensommerer, Hui Ye

29.6., 5–8 pm:

Book presentation „INFRAMINCE INFRA-MINCE INFRA MINCE“29.6., 6 and 7 pm:Guided tour with Gudrun Ratzinger and Franz Thalmair (curators)

Hui Ye, The Full Colour Makeup Session, 2016, Photo: Iris Ranzinger