Eco Loop (cancelled)

〔2.7.〕  13:00-16:00
Ferstel-Trakt, Innenhof
International Programmes in Sustainable Developments
Gari Janzarik – Studierender Global Challenges and Sustainable Developments

CANCELLED! Acoustic Ecologies is the discipline that studies the relationship between humans and their environment mediated by sound. Anthropophony is the sound made by humans and human-made objects, biophony is the sound made by non-human animals and plants, and geophony refers to the natural sounds of the earth, such as the sounds of water or soil. Measuring devices such as hydrophone and geophone allow for sound recordings of the environment off the human frequency range. The project Eco Loop re-arranges the recordings of such sounds with an isolated illumination of the acoustic as audio-visual loops which are intended to stimulate perception and thinking about new forms of a harmonious relation to nature.