Diana Barbosa Gil, Lukas Gritzner, Samuel Linus Gromann, Ana Likar

〔29.6.〕 – 〔2.7.〕  11:00-20:00
in the city
Sculpture and Space
Site Specific Art
Diana Barbosa Gil, Lukas Gritzner, Samuel Linus Gromann, Ana Likar

On display are works by students from both departments who will be gaining their diplomas in 2021. Diana Barbosa Gil shows the walk-through installation “Die beste Idee Aller Zeiten” and Samuel Linus Gromann shows sculptural works titled “Quick Sand”– both Sculpture and Space. Lukas Gritzner shows the multimedia installation “until we meet again-FRUITFEST” and Ana Likar the video installation and intervention “Myriad Tentacles Will be Needed (Again and Again)”– both Site-Specific Art.