Abteilung bürokratischer Umsturz

2nd floor series by TransArts

〔29.6.〕 – 〔2.7.〕  11:00-20:00
2. OG, Studio
at the university
Julian Siffert

Abteilung bürokratischer Umsturz is a sound installation that takes its starting point in the description of the sounds of the study of the famously conscientious Italian civil servant Sordini in Kafka’s 1926 novel fragment The Castle. Staged as a fictional space and embedded in the corporate design of Angewandte, it questions the university as an educational and research institution as well as teaching and practising art against the backdrop of a concept that seeks to understand Kafka’s castle, characterised by bureaucracy and idiosyncratic discourses, as an ambivalent place.