18 und 3

Artistic BA-Projects

〔29.6.〕 – 〔2.7.〕  11:00-20:00
Ferstel-Trakt, 1. OG, SR7+ weitere Standorte in VZA7
at the university
Students of the Deparments KKP, DAE, TEX

Eighteen artistic projects are shown in this exhibition. In addition, five projects are on display within “Play – The Octopus Programme”. The diverse field of topics as well as the spectrum of media used in these artworks correspond with the broad design of the curriculum and at the same time allow the students’ individual approaches to become visible.

Jakob Brossmann, Kämpfende Kinder, 2020

Helene Eisl, „ES IST SO“, 2020

Natascha Gerold, What does an elbow feel like?, 2021