Place of Distinct Voices

Architectural Design 1
Institute of Architecture
Patricia Vraber (Master Thesis)
Betreuer*in: Cristina Díaz Moreno & Efrén García Grinda

Place of distinct voices wonders how to take others’ perspectives to form mental images of how the world looks like through the eyes of others. We make sense of the world around us because of our brain’s interpretation of sensory input. Our reality is built upon the perception that allows us the full-body experience of space. This new civic is a universe on its own, providing an extensive grid of time and space. One experiences it through architecture of inversion and an infinite archive of people’s stories that enhance our empathy and emotions. It is about straightening our abilities to trust each other, in order to support collective action in public demands. The visitor is invited to recognize and understand his misconceptions through different methods of non-stereotypical information practices, for better social mediation.

(c) Patricia Vraber