Language intervenes, erupts, reveals, disturbs, speaks. In this spirit, students at the Institute of Language Arts contribute audio plays and sound works to this year’s festival, which will be broadcast in cooperation with Radio 80000.
Hannah Bründl: Poems / voice: Elisabeth Striewe
is this 1 literature?
Laurine Irmer: Und schöne Kuckucks / voice: Betty Striewe
A poetry of uselessness. A trace of old children’s songs. A beer made of chocolate and dust.
Jacqueline Weihe: Alphabet eines Innenhofs / voice: Jacqueline Weihe
Twenty six short observations.
Florentin Berger-Monit, Sandro Huber, Laurine Irmer, Sara Köhnlein, Joseph Kuhlen, Stephan Langer, Tizian Rupp, Maë Schwinghammer, Veronika Zorn: Kuhst
Stefan Steiner: Blühen im Beton / voice: Betty Gjecaj
Childhood, long absence, places behind places, cracks in the concrete, summer after summer the flowers sprout and then wither at some point, I go there once every few years.