Live Performance Critical Play with Neurointerfaces
Tue. 23.6.2020 20.30 to 21.00 Uhr
Margarete Jahrmann, Stefan Glasauer, Charlotta Ruth, Anna Dobrosovska, Thomas Wagensommerer, Zarko Aleksic, and Online Players.
Center Research Focus, Digital Arts

NEUROMATIC BRAINWAVE TRANSMISSION Online live multiplayer performance with passive brain data interfaces among 3-5 players, generative sonification and visualization. With live chat in game and stream.

This Neuromatic Brainwave Broadcast in Alternate.Mode is the preliminary culmination of a series of over 25 Broadcasts Online since March 2020 in the age of social dis-dancing….

Quick Fix Brainwave Focus Training!

The creative expression potential of the bandwidth spectrum of brain activity and passive interfaces are interpreted in the performance in a way comparable to a conceptual multiplayer session. Online participants* can enter instructions for action and poetic associations to the experiment via the live stream chat. The focus is on metaphors for cognitive functions, perception and non-verbal communication.

The series /*Neuromatic Brainwave Broadcast #2020 is a methodological decoupling of the artistic research project */Neuromatic Brainwave Broadcast #2020: Critical Game with Neurointerfaces/* (FWF/PEEK) directed by Margarete Jahrmann, Game Art/ artistic research ZFF, project partner Ruth Schnell/ Digital Art, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Mark Coeckelbergh, Philosophy of Technology/ University of Vienna, Stefan Glasauer Computational Neuroscience/ BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Game Design ZHdK Zurich University of the Arts.

The research project Neuromatic Game Art focuses on a critical evaluation of neurointerfaces that were originally developed for scientific and medical purposes and are now infiltrating the realm of individual and private use. Ethical and political questions in connection with such intrusive brain interfaces and disciplinary self-monitoring are philosophically and artistically illuminated and interpreted in ludic experiments.

As arts-based research question we take up the challenge to critically evaluate neurointerfaces as technological devices of potential everyday use. Our research objective is the creation of a new form of experimental game art – the neuromatic one – to contribute new knowledge, awareness, and resilience, and to elucidate ethical questions, possibilities and limitations of technologies that intrude the individual brain and to ultimately change self-optimization into self-expression.


NEUROMATISCHE HIRNSTROMWELLEN-SENDUNG Live— Multiplayer ONLINE PERFORMANCE mit mehreren verteilten passiven Hirn-Schnittstellen und Daten Übertragung zwischen 3-5 Spielerinnen, mit einer kollektiven BRAINWAVE DATA Sonification, Handlungsanweisungen aus dem YOUTUBE chat und Gespräch.

Neuromatic Research Group 2020: Margarete Jahrmann, Stefan Glasauer, Charlotta Ruth, Anna Dobrosovska, Thomas Wagensommerer, Zarko Aleksic, et al.

The image is an overview of 3 month of Broadcast Data, March – June 2020.

Neuromatic Game Art, Team Session, June 2020