Jesus, Aliens! I think.

Sophie Bösker, Lorenz Zenleser (Master Thesis)
Betreuerin: Associate Professor Brigitte Felderer
Departments, Institute of Arts and Society, Social Design – Arts as Urban Innovation

Jesus, Aliens! I think is a film project by Sophie Bösker and Lorenz Zenleser. It is telling Sophie’s own, personal story that she experienced during the last three months. It is the story of a daughter coming home to her parents’ house during the unsettling times of the “corona-crisis” and how she tries to realize a science-fiction-movie within their home. It is about the process and the struggles that come with an unexpected change of concept. But over all, it is about familiy, about relationships and the roles each familiy member is playing.

Logline: A senior married couple, unexpectedly put together with their adult children and isolated from the outside world– or maybe not…?


Buch: Sophie Bösker, Lorenz Zenleser

Regie: Sophie Bösker

Kamera: Sophie Bösker, Nepomuk Bösker

Schnitt: Sophie Bösker, Lorenz Zenleser

Sounddesign: Nik Hummer